When the present government of Burma recently offered all the exiles to come back home and work together in building up the new country they never mentioned about those who sacrificed their lives in bringing down the notorious Burma Socialist Program Party, and those who had fallen in the movement to get rid of military regime and restoring democracy in the country. Of course, those martyrs will never come back from their existence they are now living. There were thousands of people cut down on the streets, thousands of people were tortured and they are still in the prison. All the uprising that started from 1962 to 1988 were led by students except the saffron revolution which was protested against the regime by religious monks. Student leaders of 1988 Generation are also still in the prison. They were sentenced long years by the military regime in 2008. Among them Min Ko Naing served time for 18 years for his activities in 1988. Two years after releasing from the prison he was again arrested by the regime for protesting against the fuel price hike by the regime. This time he gets 56 years.
Those who are away from their motherland, living in exile in another country are already settled down where they are living. Only a few number of exiles will go back home. But it is for sure that there are people who will visit their home country to see their parents or close relatives whom they have not met for more than twenty years. They will come back to their country where they applied for the citizen and mostly are now having citizenship of the countries where they had taken refuge.
Expecting changes in every aspect in political, economic and social fields, some people live on with their dreams that hardly come true. Some waiting for chance to go back home as they had left their loved ones in home country for numerous years but not success. They passed away while waiting peace come to their country. Now, is peace really returned to our country?
Are we satisfied with the recent changes after the democracy icon has been released from house arrest and after the formation of new government by the military regime? The release of a few political prisoners and the authority comply with the demand of people to stop building dams on the River Irrawaddy. With these do we have to be contented?
To be honest, we are not fully satisfy with the present situation of Burma. Daw Suu who represents majority of Burmese people in plight and members of the present government who represents the military regime are now engaging for peace talk and reformation of the country, according to news media. As the military regime never keeps their words in the past should we trust the present government that is uttering peace and reconciliation? Some political analysts are saying changes is fast that they are puzzled and some are cautiously watching the moves of both government and the Opposition leader. It is still too early to interpret the game played by the two sides. However, the civil war is still going on and the government forces are reinforcing their troops in front lines. Bomb explosions in public places reoccur followed by death and wound.
A sudden appearance of a fugitive of Thailand Taksin Shinawat in the country makes people and politician astonished. His meeting with the retired dictator Than Shwe also makes people surprised. There were speculation behind this story and the people feel unhappy to find out the dictator is still in power and pulling the strings of puppet government behind the curtain. As the constitution has drawn by the military with their own consent the Armed Forces can any time take over power from the present government. The opposition parties and people should take firm measures in order to thwart the rise again by the Army and the most important thing is the opposition parties must protect their common leader Daw Suu as no one can be trusted in the course toward peace and democracy. Any time the military can try one or another attempt on the democracy icon's life. If she is gone there is no one to take her place. Because there is no one to step in her shoe. Now, again, speculation of releasing political prisoners has been spread in Rangoon when writing this article. If it is true, we hope Min Ko Naing and all the students should be among the released political prisoners. (Written by MMKW)
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