The paranoid military regime in Burma is going too far and degrade itself again by revealing its true nature. This time the military thieves irresponsibly ignore the survivors of Nargis Cyclone and shamelessly collecting ballots from people in the light of people mourning for victims of the castastrophe. To make it worst, in some locations the axe handles (cronies of the regime such as Kyantphut and Sunareshin members) are using force to obtain "Yes" vote to the ridiculous constitution drawn by the regime. They even beat and threaten the people who are reluctantly giving votes to them in the time of mourning for the death of thousands of people whose lives were taken away by the recent cyclone. The authorities also robbed the relief aids that was given by foreign organizations. They hoard the relief goods in the warehouses of military units and later distributed to Army members. Quality and nutritous food go to Tamadaw members and for the survivors of cyclone the authorities provide unqualified local food. manufactured by the government factories, to the survivors who are mostly farmers by profession. These farmers are paddy growers of the delta and the rice have to be handed over to the government depots after the harvest. Then the junta exports to foreign countries in order to get hard money. Finally, all the profits went into the pockets of top brass. As a gesture of gratitude to the farmers the junta is refusing most external aids that is meant for the survivors. The junta also ban journalists and relief aid workers to go to the cyclon-affected areas. It is ridiculous that donors inside as well as outside have to plead the regime in order that their relief goods go through. Worst of all, the UN is calling for an emergency meeting to make convince the mily. government for accepting the aids that are flowing in from many countries. The regime does not care about the people. What they care is only for their own interests and to stay long in power. They are regarding their own people as enemies because people have demanded freedom and human rights in last September. The regime responded them with bullets and many people, including students and monks were crushed down in the Saffron Movement. With the firm backing of Chinese government, the military regime is running amok and creating chaos and killing fields in the midst of pleading by the UN and international community. All the leaders of resistance movements are now in the prison and the opposition leader is under house arrest. What can people do now? They would not risk their lives as they believe nothing will be changed. As China becomes one of her important economic allies, the United States can only pay lip services in supporting Burmese people who are in distress. Also what can the UN do? Nothing more than passing a resolution (like previous years) that cannot remove the regime that gives trouble not only to its own country but also to the regions. The military junta will never pay attention to the UN or international community. Unless Burmese people cannot remove the military junta by themselves (as nobody from outside is going to help effectively) let the devil continue ruling the country until the entire nation faces the utter destruction.
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