Voice of SPDC

People in Burma unanimously agreed to the names given to SPDC propaganda papers as New Lies of Myanmar (the actual name is New Light of Myanmar), Bagdad Kyemon and Iraq Alin, by an anonymous dissident. The papers have regularly conveyed pro-Iraq news among other propagandas under the guidance and direction of the mily. regime's Ministry of Information. The purpose to carry pro-Iraq news is no other than to denounce the US, a super power that strongly support the struggle for restoring Democracy in Burma. The Minister for Information of the mily. regime is Brigadier General Kyaw Hsan and this stooge led the news conference which is regularly held in the country. All the selected mediamen have to attend the conference where all the lies and allegation are being made upon the student leaders of 88 generation and NLD members.

4th of July Celebrations in the States

How happy and gay the American citizens were. The Fourth of July celebration was in full swing with people who were in the mood for love their own country. The celebration in Wheaton really gave me a mixed feeling. I witnessed the long parade that marched along the Main Road and either sides of the pavement town folks from early age to over seventy were giving shouts of greeting and respect to the people who were marching along the road. There were veterans and famous people among the people participated in the parade. They had shown their courage and patriotic spirits back in World War II . The significant event in Wheaton reminds me of our country's independence day that becomes less important today for the present military regime that is ruling Burma for more than four decades without the will of people. Nowaday there are very few celebrations in our country to mark the significant day and the regime has defaced the image of the architect of Burma's independence, General Aung San. In fact, Aung San was also the leader who built up the Burmese Army. If the military regime is not insane they would not ignore and forget their foremost leader and the General who had tried to get Burma's independence from the British. These butchers have gone too far. I held up my tears that was about to drop down after realizing the difference of the independence day of the two nations.

What they suggest

What they suggest
Copy from Yahoo Page

Best Answer

First, through a concerted, non-violent protest by all citizens of the country at home and international fora. If it is responded by repression and harsher measures, then, through an armed revolution. Such moves are sure to be supported by all democratic and peace loving countries of the world. (modest)

(The question for above answer was asked by Min Myo Naing using another name in June of 2006.)


My photo
An exiled journalist from Burma, I have taken refuge in the United States with my family thanks to CPJ in New York, UNHCR (Cambodia) and the States Department. I was detained for one and a half year in 1969 for burning effigy of the late dictator Ne Win in the Rangoon University campus during SEA Games Strike. I was also actively participated in 8888 nationwide uprising by taking charge in publishing The Guardian Daily as independent newspaper for 22 days before I resigned from the newspaper as Assistant Editor in September,1988. Fortunately, I was escaped from arresting by the military regime. In 1990, I left for Bangkok where I had an assignment to translate the "Outrage: Burma's Struggle for Democracy". The book was originally written by Bertil Lintner, a Swedish journalist. I fled my country in December 2005 after my life was threatened by the military intelligence service for involving in political movements and had given assistance to foreign journalists who came to Burma. I am still active with the movement for restoring democracy in Burma.